On the ADAS low speed, we provide a range of product to cover all vehicle segments:
- Standalone rearview camera
- Standalone rearview intelligent camera
- Surround View casual system
- Surround View extended system
- Autopark system
The Ficosa products portfolio includes LVDS and Ethernet-based systems. Depending on the product of the
system, it incorporates proven machine vision functions such as auto parking, object detection, occlusion
detection, automated emergency braking, plus online, offline and service calibration. Finally we provide
vision functions like 2D and 3D SVS view, in correlation with other vehicle sensors.
This range of products is completely scalable, and has strong synergies between components. This allows
a smart utilization of SW components and HW elements between the complete platform.
Autopark system
The easiest way to allow our drivers to park, it is letting their vehicle to find a free spot and park on it. On
autopark system, we do have 3 main categories depending which vehicle segment are we facing:
- for low segments: Ultrasound Autopark
- for mid segments: Visual Autopark
- for high segments: Sensor fusion Autopark
Each product offers different advantages which can be fully aligned with your customer needs.
Ultrasound autopark is a traditional functionality reusing existing ultrasound sensors on the vehicle.
Visual autopark substitute the ultrasound sensor for a combination of cameras, allowing of having a better
KPI performance in all scenarios, and the time that we are improving the OEM overall price of the sytem.
There is a great advantage at the OEM side by reducing the quantity of elements needed on a dealer to
repair a damaged car, since all functions originally done by the 8-12 painted ultrasounds are done by the
surround view cameras.
Additionally this system allows autopark without the driver inside the vehicle (SAE level 2+, 3 and 4).
Finally sensor fusion autopark, allows an excellent performance on KPIs by using ultrasounds, cameras and
radar in coordination. Although is the most costly scenario the performance is really great. Depending on
the CPU available on your main domain ADAS controller we could offer object sensor fusion or raw data
sensor fusion, to guarantee a strong performance under the control of a single Tier 1.