The event, held in Madrid, at the headquarters of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), was chaired by Mr. Emilio Lora-Tamayo, President of the CSIC, who presented the prize.
Viladecavalls (Barcelona), 4th December 2013.- The event, held in Madrid, at the headquarters of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), was chaired by Mr. Emilio Lora-Tamayo, President of the CSIC, who presented the prize. They were accompanied, among other personalities, by Mr. Pedro García-Cabrerizo, the President of the Foundation García Cabrerizo.
During the speech, Mr. Josep Maria Pujol, wanted to emphasize two messages that he had tried to live and transmit to all his collaborators from his beginning. The first one of them is that “the difference between the possible and the impossible is measured by the will of the man”. The second one underlines his way of understanding the company: “to live through the present, to foresee the future, to take decisions and to get them right”.
With this recognition, FICOSA places again as one of the big Spanish companies that have decided to go for the invention still in crisis times. Not in vain, at present it has registered slightly more than 700 patents related to the automotive world.
The Foundation García Cabrerizo is born in 1977 as a personal initiative of Mr. Francisco García Cabrerizo, committed to promoting the invention in the fields of the Science and the Industry, in a historical moment in Spain in which the investigation and the development were neither in the political “agenda” nor in the social debate.