ISO 50001 certification recognises companies’ good management of energy by implementing measures to reduce their effect on the environment.
The Brazilian headquarters has thus aligned itself with the Ficosa group’s commitment to sustainability and responsible use of energy resources.
18 July 2019.- Ficosa do Brasil, located in Jandira (São Paulo, Brazil), has become the first plant in the group to gain ISO certification, recognising efficient energy management. Specifically, it is the ISO 50001 seal, which demonstrates sustainable energy use, helping reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses. This achievement has been possible thanks in part to the Energy Management System (EMS).
In recent years, Ficosa has further strengthened its commitment to the environment, making protection of our surroundings one of its top priorities in carrying out its business and production activities. Both locally and globally, this top-tier global provider devoted to the research, development, manufacturing and marketing of high-technology vision, safety, connectivity and efficiency systems for the automotive and mobility sectors, has adopted specific measures laid out in its carbon footprint and energy efficiency protocol.
With a total surface area of 13,071.41 square metres and 300 employees, the Brazilian plant is home to production of levers, brakes, rear-view and control systems. In 2016, the facility was invited to embark on the process towards ISO 50001 certification, which entails meeting a series of energy efficiency requirements. To do so, a partnership was established with Procobre, Senai and Eletrobras that has laid the groundwork for Ficosa do Brasil to be able to devote the time and effort required to achieve its sustainability goals.
Here the Energy Management System (EMS) allowed them to calculate the plant’s overall energy consumption, as well as the main sources of CO2 emissions. This way, after the diagnostics, and under the framework of the company’s commitment to developing products that are both sustainable and efficient, the Ficosa team in Brazil set the main goals and operating strategy to cut emissions and improve its environmental footprint.
After becoming ISO 50001 certified, the business model in Jandira has intensified its focus on sustainability and reinforced its commitment to responsible energy management. Specifically, in order to achieve the certification goals, Ficosa do Brasil had to reduce consumption of air conditioning by 40%, electricity by 63%, utilities by 30% and injection moulding by 15%.
ISO 50001 certification is the most recent of those Ficosa do Brasil has received over the years, which also include OHSAS 18001, UNE ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 14001.