FICOSA, within the framework of the SuaaVe Project, renews itself in the field of vehicle test design adapting to the new normality by taking the maximum measures and generating a “COVID COMPLIANT” environment.
Due to the worldwide state of alarm, many projects have been affected by the measures taken by the government in order to avoid contagions. For this reason, Ficosa is doing everything possible to be able to continue with the projects, guaranteeing maximum safety for the workers and collaborators involved in them.
The tests carried out as part of the Suaave project focus on the detection of facial gestures, something that may seem impossible in these times of pandemic. Ficosa makes use of its long experience in the design of in-vehicle test protocols in order to record the full face of the subject to be analyzed without compromising the safety. Through disinfection, ventilation, prevention and, above all, thanks to rapid antigen tests, FICOSA will soon launch a series of tests that will allow the study and validation of aftermarket systems for facial gesture detection.
All this work and learning in the Suaave project is being of great value to be extrapolated to other activities in which the active participation of people is required. Far from being a brake on innovation in Ficosa, the extraordinary situation in which we find ourselves will make us more competent as professionals and as a company.