Lindau, – Just in time for the targeted moving date in early September, ADASENS Automotive GmbH was able to take its modern office space in the newly built Innovation Campus in Lindau. On September 5th, the relocation of Weißensberg was completely carried out by Lindau and all 30 employees were able to start to work at the new and exciting company location.
“We are extremely satisfied with the current headquarter in the Innovation Campus Lindau and our new office space. For us it is very very important to have this new high-tech infrastructure and a modern environment for our knowledgeable staff,” says Jörn Klingemann, CEO of ADASENS Automotive GmbH, the successful relocation. “At the new location we are looking forward to our goal of a healthy corporate growth that goes along with a sustainable and adapted expansion of our future workforce. Here we continue to trust in the solutions oriented relationship with the property GWG owner in Lindau. “
The ADASENS Automotive GmbH is 100% owned by the Spanish FICOSA group who is a leading global partner and systems supplier to the commercial vehicle and automotive communications technologies, driver assistance systems, innovative mirror concepts and development services among others for autonomous driving. ADASENS with its developments in image processing sensors is laid out very important and in growth companies ranging from FICOSA, acting independently on the new headquarters in Lindau.
More information please see: www.adasens.com
About Ficosa
Ficosa is a global company devoted to the creation of high-technology vision, safety, efficiency and connectivity solutions for the industry, with the desire to contribute to society through our commitment to technological innovation, human values and energy efficiency. Founded in 1949 and based in Barcelona, Ficosa currently has more than 9,700 employees in 16 countries worldwide in Europe, North and South America and Asia, with consolidated sales of 949 million euros in December 2014. The rear-view system (interior/side mirror) is Ficosa’s main business, known worldwide and recognised by top global OEMs. URL: http: //www.ficosa.com/