Ficosophy refers to the values shared by everyone at Ficosa. A unique way of doing things that helps us move forward together.

All our employees are free to explore their creativity and contribute with new ideas. What are you thinking about?
The satisfaction of creating >

Ficosian pride is remembering our humble beginnings, supporting each other, and smiling when we see our work on the street.
The result of your work >

Agile methods
At Ficosa, we have various methods and projects that help us stay in shape. It is the only way to succeed in the innovation race.
New ways of working >

A company with values
Having values is important, but they also need to be applied. This is why our Ficosophy is the key to everything we do. These values guide us into the future.
Discover our values >

We are proud to see people of different generations, nationalities, cultures and genders working side by side towards common objectives.
Listen to Lluvia >

Collaboration is the driving force that helps you reach the place you could not reach alone. This is why it is so important to have a team that supports you.
Teams and collaboration >

Professional development can take many forms: training, international mobility, internal promotions, a good working environment, and so on. Or you can have it all.
Our development plans >

Will you join us?
See our international job openings
Join the team

A Ficosian is not just someone who works at Ficosa. Well, it is that too, but that person also needs to have certain characteristics. It is a common DNA shared by all our teams from Taicang to Viladecavalls.
Meet the Ficosians >